Pair of Antique Building Friezes w/ Floral Design

Pair of Antique Building Friezes w/ Floral Design


Pair of Antique Building Friezes w/ Floral Design
20" Height

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Large Iron Gate Sections          (2) Each Gate Section Sold Separately 20230925_093100.jpg

Large Iron Gate Sections (2) Each Gate Section Sold Separately

337673866_886432179315136_538385049989384345_n.jpg 338188548_790113668675854_193089274299275604_n.jpg

Cast Iron Horse Head Hitching-Post / Address Post

Wood Columns

Wood Columns

Terra Cotta Building Façade 20230501_091300.jpg

Terra Cotta Building Façade

Building Frieze Remnant

Building Frieze Remnant
