Plaster Statue of the Jesus Christ

Plaster Statue of the Jesus Christ


Plaster Statue of the Jesus Christ
5'-4" Height

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Woman sowing 3 piece clock set with marble bases. French.

Violinist Statue

Violinist Statue

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French Oval Marble Base Art Deco Clock w/ 2 Marble Based Urns & Dog

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Antique French Marble Clock

Five (5) Piece Marble.& Bronze Art Nouveau French Mantel/Shelf Clock & Candelabra Set w/ Man & Woman Flanking Each Clock Side. Snapinsta.app_437491344_748839977387266_5074984847610659257_n_1080.jpg

Five (5) Piece Marble.& Bronze Art Nouveau French Mantel/Shelf Clock & Candelabra Set w/ Man & Woman Flanking Each Clock Side.
